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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 25:19-28, Genesis 28:6-9
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Foe of Favoritism (3 of 4)
Series: Marriage Maintenance
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Genesis 25:19-28, Genesis 27:1-13, 41 & Genesis 28:6-9

Gen 25:28 KJV - And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of [his] venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.

I - The Start of Favoritism (Gen. 25: 19 - 28)

II - The Sting of Favoritism (Gen. 27: 1 - 13)

III - The Sorrow of Favoritism (Gen. 27: 41, 28: 6 - 9)

IV - The Solution of Favoritism

The other week I was mowing some leaves, which were thick, and before long, my mower began making this odd noise, which alerted me that a bearing was about to go out on one of my belt and blade spindles. I kept on mowing, thinking it would just go out and then I would get it fixed.

Well, it didn't go as planned, when suddenly my mower made some even louder noises, and as I looked down, the spindle had come loose, breaking the guard loose, and I now had a real mess on my hands. I took the mower to a friend, explained the issue, asking him to put new parts on my mower.

I went by a few weeks later to pick up my mower and he had only hammered the broken guard back into place and my discharge chute was also loose. The thinking was simple, he was trying to save me some money, but in the long run, my mower would end up costing me more money.

I took the mower back, asking him to order me a new discharge chute and a brand-new spindle guard. This is called maintenance, which ensures the quality and life of my mower. I have learned that you pay now or you can pay more later, so I preferred to spend some now, rather than a lot latter.

There is a term in most all industries called "PM" or "Preventive Maintenance." You do everything that you can on the front end to prevent your equipment and machinery from breaking down. It is much easier trying to prevent break downs than it is repairing unexpected breakdowns.

The same can be said of marriages, we should be proactive in preventing breakdowns in o ...

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