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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Lamentations 3:22-23

Title: Building Blocks to Being a Godly F.A.T.H.E.R.
Author: Jordan Easley
Text: Lamentations 3:22-23, Deuteronomy 6:5-7

I love the game of Golf. I'm not very good, but I enjoy the game. When I was first starting to play... I remember hearing guys brag about hitting the ball 250 yards... and I didn't understand why that was such a big deal. Because every time I would tee it up, I would hit the ball 250 yards... The only problem was... it was about 100 yards this way (straight) and 150 yards this way (to the right).

One of my first times to play... it hit one of those drives... and my ball landed in the middle of the Serengeti somewhere... and the guy I was playing with said to me... 'I know you just started playing... but have you learned the greatest word in the game of golf?' I said, "no." I didn't know what he was talking about. He said, the greatest word in the game of golf is the word-'Mulligan.'

Apparently, when someone says... mulligan... that means you get another shot with no penalty. It means... your first shot may not have been so good... but now you get another opportunity at that same shot. And you know what happens... most of the time... when you reset, and take a mulligan? The second shot is better than the first shot.

I love mulligans in the game of golf. But you know what's even better than that? It's when you get a mulligan in life. It's an amazing thing when God says... 'hey... you shanked that first shot... but tee it up and hit another one,' and believe it or not, there are many places in Scripture, where God, in His grace, and in His mercy... does just that.

There's one thing I've learned about the Lord that I believe many times, we tend to overlook. And that is... Our God is a God of second chances. We see that all throughout Scripture...

Adam & Eve-are the first examples that we are given-and their story proves that God is patient with us. When you read [Genesis 1-5], it's a reminder that... ...

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