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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: James 1:19
This content is part of a series.

Title: Calming Conflict In One's Marriage (2 of 4)
Series: Marriage Maintenance
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: James 1:19

Jas 1:19 KJV - Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

"Marriage Maintenance Series" Sermon 2 of 4

I - In Our Reception Tune In "Swift to Hear" (19a)

II - In Our Response Clamp Down "Slow to Speak" (19b)

III - In Our Retaliation Loosen Up "Slow to Wrath" (19c)

Fork This!!!

Diane Fittipaldi, 2013 Sunset Lane, told Municipal Court Judge Levi Grantham that she had launched the attack as part of a long-standing feud with her husband about housekeeping."Oliver is a horrible neat freak," Fittipaldi said, "and he drives me nuts about keeping everything tidy."

After the couple argued about the proper alignment of table place settings, Fittipaldi rented a 3,000-pound, pneumatic tire forklift Tuesday evening and drove it through the front wall of their one-story frame house. According to neighbors who witnessed the incident, she used the machine to smash the dining room table.

"Oliver yelled at me about where his fork was supposed to go," she said, "and I figured I'd fix it with a forklift." Neighbors said Fittipaldi seemed "wild-eyed" and distraught during the attack and kept screaming "FORK THIS!" at her husband, who took refuge in the kitchen. True story, never marry a woman who knows how to operate heavy machinery or better yet, don't make place settings more important than your spouse.

Relationships "Built or Destroyed On Words!!!"

Billy Beacham tells the story of a 42-year-old workaholic named Tom. Tom spent every dime he earned on expensive luxuries...status symbols designed to impress himself and others with his success in life. He was a volatile human being whose temper exploded at the slightest hint of disagreement or criticism.

And Tom became this way as a direct result of the angry words of his father whom he could never please. His fathe ...

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