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by Jerry Watts

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Title: The Required Connection (2 of 8)
Series: The Road Less Traveled
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: John 15:4-8

Please turn to John 15 and we'll get there in a few minutes.
Paul wrote the church in Corinth and said, "I fed you with milk and not with meat, because you were not able (ready) to eat it." We understand this milk-meat dilemma because of our babies. Personal illustration: When our oldest was a baby, she was an eater! Pears, Applesauce, Apricots, and more, she loved those fruits. But I will never forget the first time we offered her meat. The meat came out of her mouth faster than it went in and the look she gave us was like, "What are you trying to feed me?"

Sometimes that happens to preachers. As long as we give the 'fruit' or the 'milk' of the word, like a simple salvation message, all is good, BUT bring out the meat of the word (like 'follow me and I'll make you fishers of men') and the message, at times, can be spit out and looks given, like our sweet girl did.

When anyone takes this Spiritual Road Less Traveled, it's a challenge. You taste what you've never tasted before, you see what you've never seen before, you go where you have never gone before, and do what you have never done before. When Jesus says, "Follow me" and we say "Yes," it is more than most of us think. Saying yes to the call from Jesus is not just about 'fire insurance'. Has anyone told us that being saved from hell is only a benefit of salvation. When Jesus died, He died to make us right with God and, 'o by the way' that makes us be able to go to heaven.

Saying "Yes" to Jesus, is saying yes to His salvation (follow me), sanctification (I will make you), and to His service (fishers of men). In fact, we say "yes" to Jesus to start this journey and then requires a "daily yes" to answer His call. Pud reminds me of this often. It was his response after he retired. It's like the old chorus (in your hymnal), "I'll say yes, Lord, yes, to your will and to your way." This is th ...

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