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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Acts 17:22
This content is part of a series.

Title: Knowing the Unknown God (2 of 5)
Series: Small Steps
Author: Craig Smith
Text: Acts 17:22

[00:00:00] Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad to have you with us today. Whether you're joining us on one of our campuses or online, we just trust that our time together will help you take a step closer to God. And you know, my hope is that you're actually in a season where God feels really close to you. But I wanna talk today to those of you that aren't in that season.

I wanna talk today to those that are feeling like God is a little bit. The Bible says that come near to God and he will come near to you. But I want to talk today to the people that are feeling like that's a, that's a promise. It's just a little bit difficult to. Take hold of right now, you know, maybe maybe you're a follower of jesus Maybe you've been a follower for a long time Maybe you're kind of a new follower But you're just in a place where god feels a little further away than he has at some time in the past Or maybe you're not a follower of jesus And you're not a follower because you're wrestling with something that christians love to say christians love to say this We love to say Christianity isn't a religion.

It's a [00:01:00] relationship and that's true. And maybe you find that really appealing but The reason you're not a follower of Jesus yet is you're just really struggling with the idea of how to have a relationship with a God who feels really good. Distant or maybe honestly you're not in that season.

Maybe actually God does feel really close and you're wondering how do you keep it going? Right because you've probably had the experience that sometimes God seems really close and other times he seems like he gets kind of far away. And I want to talk today about one of the root causes of that distance we sometimes feel when it comes to God.

It's not the only cause, but I do think it's a big one, and it basically, it's this. It's that one of the greatest obstacles to our i ...

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