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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Acts 2:22
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Power of Community (1 of 5)
Series: Small Steps
Text: Acts 2:22
Author: Craig Smith

[00:00:00] Have you ever seen something so amazing that it not only impressed you, it impressed itself on you and kind of became a new way of seeing almost everything else? I have. Because we're in church, I really wish I could say it's something I saw in the Bible, or something I saw maybe in the church, but actually I saw it on NBC of all places.

It was 1991, and NBC was covering the World Championship track and field. And I got to see a guy named Mike Powell step up to the beginning of the long jump run. And he had this amazingly intense look on his face and kind of rocked back and forth a couple times. And he took off. By the time he got to the end of the runway, his legs were just a blur.

His left foot hit the takeoff board, and he just kind of catapulted into the air. His legs kept going. It looked like he was, like, walking on air, actually. He had so much hang time. He finally hits the ground. They come running out and then they make this big announcement. New world record, long jump 29 feet, four and three quarters inches for context, that's almost a school bus [00:01:00] in one single leap, but that's not the amazing thing I'm talking about.

That's the amazing thing I saw that really started to change things for me was, was something that happened afterwards while they were interviewing him. He was on the track and they were talking about this jump and everything and and I noticed in the background There was a guy walking along the long jump run.

He wasn't running he was just walking and he was loaded down. He had all kinds of gear and stuff, maybe he was a camera operator or something but he was walking kind of right along the same path that Mike Powell had run and and for some reason he got to the takeoff board and I started counting I don't know why, but I started counting his steps.

And it's just really interesting. I saw him because he ...

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