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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Daniel 10:1-21

Title: When the Going Gets Tough... (10)
Series: Daniel-Kingdoms, Chaos and the Sovereignty of God
Author: Tim Badal
Text: Daniel 10

In the chapter we're looking at today, Daniel 10, Daniel was then 80 years old. He had spent most of his life in a country that worshiped foreign gods and had foreign traditions and rituals. In the earlier chapters, we read how Daniel learned to navigate this very pagan culture while still honoring God.

As we learned, Daniel and his other Jewish friends not only met this challenge successfully, they also advanced their position in that kingdom, eventually being promoted to leadership roles in the government. But in spite of this, there were times when they encountered significant persecution, during which God miraculously intervened to protect them. We saw this happen when Daniel's friends would not bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's statue and were thrown into a fiery furnace. We saw this when Daniel was thrown into a lion's den. This serves as an encouragement to us as well, with our own society growing darker and more hostile to things of the faith and as we're challenged to live God-fearing lives in our day.

As we transitioned from Daniel 6 to Daniel 7, and for the remainder of this book, we move from the discussion of the events in Daniel's life to a series of visions and dreams that reveal what will be coming in the future. These visions and dreams can be broken up into three parts. Some of them have to do with what's going to happen during Daniel's life and we've already seen that. Daniel learned that 70 years of captivity would be the length of time the people would remain in Babylon, after which God would let them return to Jerusalem. We'll see the fulfillment of that in our passage today.

The second set of dreams and visions talk about what happens after Daniel's life up to the coming of Jesus Christ, covering a period of 600 years. Then there are things being communicated through Daniel's visions, which are also ...

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