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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Zechariah 5:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: The God Who Deals with Sin (5)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Text: Zechariah 5:1-11
Author: Jeff Schreve

Well, when I was in seminary, I remember taking an I Term class, which was an intensive class. It was one or two weeks. I'm trying to remember. It's been a while. Butit was intensive. And you got credit for the whole semester, and you'd just go all day. And the professor who was teaching the class was Calvin Miller. Calvin Miller was very well-known. He passed away in 2012. He was a pastor and an author and a seminary professor, and he was teaching us some great things. But what I remember is, I had lunch with him one day, and we got to just visit and talk. He had written something that really caught my attention. And I think it, even though this is from decades ago, it's still applicable today, and it has to do with the fact that so many of us want to put God and paint God and craft God into the God we like and the God we want Him to be. "I AM WHO I AM." You've heard me say on numerous occasions, God is not the God you want Him to be; He is the God who is. And so, this is what Calvin Miller wrote: He talks about the mush god, little g. "We've all gotten used to this soft new god, this god that welcomes everybody, this god (little g) who comes in bubble wrap and has no sharp edges to sort, needle, or offend anybody; the god we can all take together. He has no heritage and, of course, we never learned to pray in the name of Jesus if we serve this god. This is the great mush god. He has been known to appear to millionaires on the golf course, politicians at ribbon-cutting ceremonies, and clergymen speaking the invocation on national television. The great mush god has no theology. He's got Cream of Wheat divinity. He has no particular credo. Because this god (little g) is not a jealous god, you can invoke this god to start an adventure. He's the god of the Rotary, a god of the optimist. He's the protector of the buddy system. The mush god is a serv ...

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