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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Zechariah 4:1-14
This content is part of a series.

Title: But By My Spirit (4)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Zechariah 4:1-14

If you have your Bible, turn to Zechariah chapter 4. I hope everybody has been having a good week. How many people used to watch the television show, "Fixer Upper" back in the day when that was on? That was a very popular show with Chip and Joanna Gaines. And if you remember that show, they would take a house that was a dump - it just looked like a hovel, and then they would work their magic on it and, all of a sudden, this hovel became this stunning home. Chip and Joanna Gaines could look at a place and see what it could become.

Now, when Debbie and I were first married and we were going to buy our first house, we were looking around all these different houses. And we didn't have very much money, and so you're looking at it and trying to get a deal. We got married in 1986 and in Houston at that time there was a downturn in the housing market, so you could get some deals. But sometimes they would tell you, "This is a real fixer-upper." When it said that in the ad, I knew that this is a dump. That's just a nicer way to say, "A handyman's dream" is sometimes how they would put it. Now, I'm not a handyman, so it would be like that would be my nightmare. Let's stay away from that. But people can go in, and they have the ability to look at something that doesn't look good right now, and they can see what it can become. You have to have vision to be able to do that.

Now, in a spiritual sense, you have to have the eyes of faith to see a situation not the way it is, but what God can do in that situation. You know, I think it's interesting how you have people that get a new name in Scripture. You know, Simon was given the name Peter. Peter means "rock." Well, Simon wasn't a rock, but Jesus saw what he could be. You have Gideon. "O, hail mighty man of valor." Well, he wasn't a mighty man of valor. He was afraid of the Midianites in Judges chapter 6, but the LOR ...

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