by Jeff Schreve
Scripture: Zechariah 1:7-21, Zechariah 2:1-13
This content is part of a series.
Title: God's Heart for Israel (2)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Zechariah 1:7-2:13
If you have your Bible, please turn to the Book of Zechariah, to the end of the Old Testament, and take a left. It's right there. You have Malachi, and then you have Zechariah. Zechariah is one of the minor prophets. And the minor prophets aren't minor in message; they're just minor in length. He's one of the longer minor prophets. But we started a series last week called "The Best is Yet to Come," because that is one of the main themes of Zechariah. It's a book of encouragement to the people of God that, what God has promised, God will fulfill, and the best is yet to come. Well, as we have been praying for a while now for Israel since they declared war on Hamas on October 7th of 2023, some people have wondered what's the big deal about Israel? Why do churches get excited about Israel? Why are they praying for Israel? Why are they supportive of Israel? And a fair question. I became a Christian when I was seventeen years old. I didn't know anything about any of that stuff. And I still remember being in a Bible study class and we were going through Old Testament, and they were talking about wanting to get to the land, and the spies spying out the land. And I'm sitting there on the edge of my seat thinking, Oh, they didn't get in the land. I felt like going up to the Bible study guy and saying, "Hey, did they ever get into the land?" You know, I mean, cliffhanger. And, I'm glad I didn't because that would have been such a stupid question. But I didn't know about that. And so, you might be thinking, what's the big deal about Israel? Well, God has a heart for Israel. And the beginning of Israel, if you go all the way back to it's starting point, it started in Genesis chapter 12 where God called a man named Abram, a guy whose name later got changed to Abraham. And God said, "Come to a land where I will show you, and I'll make a great nation out of you," t ...
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Zechariah 1:7-2:13
If you have your Bible, please turn to the Book of Zechariah, to the end of the Old Testament, and take a left. It's right there. You have Malachi, and then you have Zechariah. Zechariah is one of the minor prophets. And the minor prophets aren't minor in message; they're just minor in length. He's one of the longer minor prophets. But we started a series last week called "The Best is Yet to Come," because that is one of the main themes of Zechariah. It's a book of encouragement to the people of God that, what God has promised, God will fulfill, and the best is yet to come. Well, as we have been praying for a while now for Israel since they declared war on Hamas on October 7th of 2023, some people have wondered what's the big deal about Israel? Why do churches get excited about Israel? Why are they praying for Israel? Why are they supportive of Israel? And a fair question. I became a Christian when I was seventeen years old. I didn't know anything about any of that stuff. And I still remember being in a Bible study class and we were going through Old Testament, and they were talking about wanting to get to the land, and the spies spying out the land. And I'm sitting there on the edge of my seat thinking, Oh, they didn't get in the land. I felt like going up to the Bible study guy and saying, "Hey, did they ever get into the land?" You know, I mean, cliffhanger. And, I'm glad I didn't because that would have been such a stupid question. But I didn't know about that. And so, you might be thinking, what's the big deal about Israel? Well, God has a heart for Israel. And the beginning of Israel, if you go all the way back to it's starting point, it started in Genesis chapter 12 where God called a man named Abram, a guy whose name later got changed to Abraham. And God said, "Come to a land where I will show you, and I'll make a great nation out of you," t ...
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