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by Jeff Schreve

Scripture: Zechariah 1:1-6
This content is part of a series.

Title: Return to Me (1)
Series: The Best is Yet to Come
Author: Jeff Schreve
Text: Zechariah 1:1-6

If you have your Bible, please turn to the Book of Zechariah. You say, "Where is that one?" Go to the end of the Old Testament and take a left. It's the second to the last book in the Old Testament, and it's a very, very interesting book. Fourteen chapters.

I've entitled this series, "The Best is Yet to Come." Now, when you think about the best is yet to come, and you're a certain age, it's hard not to think Frank Sinatra, because he sang that song, "The Best is Yet to Come." But that really is a fitting description of this book. And let's face it. For most Christians, when it comes to the minor prophets, we're not very good. We like the Book of Jonah because it's four chapters and we can get through it very easily. It's very easy to understand. Zechariah is not really easy to understand because he has apocalyptic dreams and things, a lot of symbolism in there, and so, we'll see how this goes. But, I've got the first six verses down and then after that it's kind of wide open. But here's the pretty cool thing that I didn't know until I started studying this. One scholar said there are forty-one direct citations or illusions to the Book of Zechariah in the New Testament. It's the most of any minor prophet. You know, you have major prophets in the Old Testament and minor prophets. You say, "What's a minor prophet? What's a major prophet?" A major prophet just means he wrote a lot. Isaiah is a major prophet, and Ezekiel is a major prophet. Daniel is a major prophet. And then you have minor prophets. Jonah is a minor prophet. Didn't write a whole lot. Zechariah is a minor prophet, but he's got a major message. And the message is, no matter how bad it may be right now, you can have hope, because the best is yet to come.

When Jackson was in staff meeting today, he had just gotten word that they found bacteria in little Brook's lungs, and, obviously, not good n ...

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