Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33
This content is part of a series.
Title: The Head of the Family (1 of 4)
Series: Marriage Maintenance
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
I - The Sad Lack That We Sense
II - The Servant Leadership That We Show (21 - 24)
III - The Sacrificial Love That We Share (25 - 26)
IV - The Special Loyalty That We Sustain (28 - 31)
V - The Spiritual Lesson That We See (32 - 33)
There's a very funny story going around like a virus about a man who went to his doctor after weeks of serious symptoms.
The doctor examined him carefully, then called the patient's wife into his office. The doctor told her, "Your husband is suffering from a rare form of anemia. The bad news is that, without treatment, your husband will be dead in just a few weeks. The good news is that, with proper nutrition, he should get better."
Here's what the doctor then told her to do. "You will need to get up early every morning and fix your husband a hot breakfast - pancakes, bacon and eggs, the works. He'll need a home-cooked lunch every day, and then an old-fashioned meat-and-potato dinner every evening.
It would be especially helpful if you could bake frequently. Cakes, pies, homemade bread - these are the things that will allow your husband to live."
"One more thing. His immune system is weak, so it's important that your home be kept spotless at all times.
Last but not least, it would also help if you show him affection and kindness throughout the week. He needs to know that you truly care about him."
So, the wife walks into the examination room with a very sad look on her face. The husband, sensing how serious this appeared to be, asked her, "It's bad, isn't it, sweetheart? Tell me the truth, what's going to happen to me?"
With tears welling up in her eyes, the wife blurted out, "Honey, I hate to break it to you like this, but there is no cure, you are going to die soon..."
Marriage can be tough it seems or at least it was for them, what about you?
Most ...
Series: Marriage Maintenance
Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: Ephesians 5:21-33
I - The Sad Lack That We Sense
II - The Servant Leadership That We Show (21 - 24)
III - The Sacrificial Love That We Share (25 - 26)
IV - The Special Loyalty That We Sustain (28 - 31)
V - The Spiritual Lesson That We See (32 - 33)
There's a very funny story going around like a virus about a man who went to his doctor after weeks of serious symptoms.
The doctor examined him carefully, then called the patient's wife into his office. The doctor told her, "Your husband is suffering from a rare form of anemia. The bad news is that, without treatment, your husband will be dead in just a few weeks. The good news is that, with proper nutrition, he should get better."
Here's what the doctor then told her to do. "You will need to get up early every morning and fix your husband a hot breakfast - pancakes, bacon and eggs, the works. He'll need a home-cooked lunch every day, and then an old-fashioned meat-and-potato dinner every evening.
It would be especially helpful if you could bake frequently. Cakes, pies, homemade bread - these are the things that will allow your husband to live."
"One more thing. His immune system is weak, so it's important that your home be kept spotless at all times.
Last but not least, it would also help if you show him affection and kindness throughout the week. He needs to know that you truly care about him."
So, the wife walks into the examination room with a very sad look on her face. The husband, sensing how serious this appeared to be, asked her, "It's bad, isn't it, sweetheart? Tell me the truth, what's going to happen to me?"
With tears welling up in her eyes, the wife blurted out, "Honey, I hate to break it to you like this, but there is no cure, you are going to die soon..."
Marriage can be tough it seems or at least it was for them, what about you?
Most ...
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