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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Matthew 4:18-21

Title: A Call to All
Author: Jerry Watts
Text: Matthew 4:18-22

When I left for the convention last week, I had prayed about today and was learning toward a message entitled, "God's Idea of a Dad." My text would be from Matthew 1 and center on Joseph, who was hand-chosen to be the earthly father of God's son. It would have offered 6 qualities of a dad.

Because we were a little 'bummed out' about missing the student-campreport, we intentionally chose to watch our service last week to hear the testimonies. Bro. Kevin had given me a heads up about how good camp was. So today, after their experience, I wanted to a) affirmed them and their experience, and b) appeal to the rest of us to get on board with them. Although we are thankful for their experiences, we don't have to go to know and respond to our Lord (Like they did) Her's the deal, lost and needy folks don't only exist in NC, they're here too and we must find ways to touch them. What's more: It's not only the young people who should do this. Two weeks ago, I said, "they were not only leaders of the church tomorrow, but shapers of the church today and I pray that their shaping, by their passion for the Lord, doesn't end." I offer this, "Perhaps their shaping might turn into shaming." Shame away, just don't slack up because both we, you, and the world need it.

Today's message is very personal and comes from a great story. Turn to Matthew 4. Jesus is preparing for the Sermon on the Mount and is putting things in order for Him to begin His earthly ministry. LET'S READ

Don't miss the normal, everyday life part of this story. He's walking along the seashore that He loves. He sees the men, It's likely He saw their passion for fishing, heard them interacting, and called them by name, speaking the language they understood. His call to them was complete and is to us also.

1. HIs words to you - VS 19a - When someone speaks directly to you, you normally pay attention, the disciple sure seem to. To rea ...

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