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by Brian Mills

Scripture: Exodus 20:1-26

10 Commandments (1)
10 Commandments
Exodus 20
Brian Mills


We will live in Exodus 20 for 10 weeks and look into the 10 commandments.

10 sayings as they would have said in Hebrew.

The 1st 5 weeks will be Vertical - how to honor God

The last 5 weeks will be more horizontal-how to honor others.

You say but I thought we were no longer under the law. Romans 6:14 [NIV] For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

TRUTH - but in the O.T. you find 3 types of LAWS.

civil (society's behaviors and punishments)
ceremonial (cleanliness, sacrifices)
moral (things God declares right or wrong)

So the...
- Civil Laws No longer apply today
- The ceremonial laws were fulfilled in Christ
- The moral laws represent the ethical standards that God expects from His people

The moral laws are the Anchors God gives us to hold us in place when the winds of the culture try to pull us away.

There is a big boat in Hot Springs called the Bell. It has been around forever.
Yet it has been docked now for 10+ years.

The other day when I was in Hot Springs and a Tornado went right through my parent's front yard, it then headed down the lake and when it got close to the Bell it broke the line holding its anchor.

The tornado slung the boat around and it was now floating in the middle of the lake all on its own thrown and tossed by the winds.

The boat was no longer stable it was at the mercy of its surroundings b/c its anchor had been taken away.

God gave us ANCHORS in the 10 commandments not to HOLD US DOWN but to HOLD US IN PLACE when the culture began to try to sling us around.

God did not give us the 10 commandments as RULES but as ANCHORS so we can go display a life that has chosen to be surrendered to JESUS.

- We are not saved by following the 10 commandments we follow the 10 commandments b/c we are saved.
- No one is perf ...

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