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by Tim Badal

Scripture: Daniel 9:1-19

How to Prepare for the End Times (9)
Series: Daniel - Kingdoms, Chaos, and the Sovereignty of God
Daniel 9:1-19

Tim Badal

Turn in your Bibles to Daniel 9. We're in a series titled "Kingdoms, Chaos and the Sovereignty of God." In the first six chapters of the book of Daniel, we looked at Daniel's experiences as an Israelite exile in Babylon. He's living in a pagan land, never knowing whether at any given moment he'll be dead or alive because of the whimsies of pagan kings. Yet Daniel proves to us, in our world in our day, that no matter how dark our culture becomes, we can model faithfulness and integrity. We can model spiritual fidelity in our worship of our God in heaven, leaving the circumstances of our lives in His hands. Daniel did that well.

Then as we turned the page from Daniel 6 to Daniel 7, we found that most of the second half of this book is dedicated to Daniel's dreams and visions. Some of these were fulfilled in the future near to when Daniel saw them, involving the future of the people of God. We'll see that this morning. We also believe as a church that some of these predictions have yet to be fulfilled in our own future time. As we continue to navigate these waters, we will be considering how we should prepare ourselves to live in these last days. This question has become a phenomenon in our world now. Both in the context of churches and in the American public as a whole, we are now infatuated with doomsday prepping. That actually started in the early 20th century with the stock market crash in 1929. People began to not presume upon tomorrow, instead putting together plans for how they would live if the world around them fell apart.

This again became prevalent during World War II, then it hit a fever pitch around 1962 during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that point, people began to dig holes in their backyards, building bunkers for the impending nuclear holocaust anticipated during the Cold War.

Then another upswing c ...

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