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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: James 4:1-17
This content is part of a series.

Title: "Life Lessons With James" (7 of 8)
Theme: "James teaches us about logical living"
Text: "James 4: 1 - 17"

James Bible Study Sermon 7 of 8

I - The Three Attacks That We Face (1 - 4)

II - The Three Assailants That We Fight (4 - 7)

III - The Three Admonitions That We Find (7 - 10)

IV - The Three Alarms That We Foresee (11 - 12)

V - The Three Assumptions That We Foil (13 - 17)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

The Juggler

In reading the book of James, sometimes it seems that there is no connectivity, as he juggles his thoughts from one subject unto another. In the chapter before us, he goes from one subject unto the next without even pausing, seemingly at warp speed. It seems that he had so much to say, but may have been running out of parchment paper or ink.

Our family loves going to Pigeon Forge and on most of our trips we love visiting the Comedy Barn. One of the cast members is what we call "The Ping Pong Man." He is high-strung and places ping pong balls in his mouth, as he tells a story, engaging the audience.

The pandemic kind of placed a kink in his act, so he now juggles, even riding a unicycle or stilts, while balancing on some sort of board. He is not a normal juggler, as he juggles bowling balls, knives, and a plethora of other things. This guy is an unbelievable entertainer, though he is supposed to be a comedian, he can literally do all kinds of things, and is a hit with the audience.

In reading the Book of James, it reminds me of "The Ping Pong Man" as James raises his emotions from low to high with a mixture of thoughts. As we know, this book was written unto "The Church" and not a "Particular Church." He addresses the brethren throughout the book, as he alerts us to our particular sins and admonishes us as to the proper use of our words.

James talks about faith, works, wisdom, worldliness, humility, pride, time, as he gives us "Life Lessons." I often feel li ...

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