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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Luke 24:1-10
This content is part of a series.

Title: "The Great Comeback" (8 of 8)
Theme: "The resurrection of the Lord is the world's greatest comeback"
Text: "Luke 24: 1 - 10"

Luk 24:8 KJV - And they remembered his words,

"Great Reversal's in the Bible" Sermon Series 8 of 8

I - The Past Prophecy

II - The Painful Punishment

III - The Perplexing Predicament

IV - The Present Phenomenon

V - The Precious Proclamation

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

Bouncing Back Bigtime

The 2001 World Series between the New York Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks will go down as that of the comeback.

So, in the November 12, 2001 issue of Sports Illustrated, they ranked the 10 greatest comebacks in world history.

Among those making the list:

-10th Elvis Presley

1968 after years of making schlocky movies, the King wows fans and critics with an electrifying live 1968 TV special, Elvis on NBC.

-9th Ludwig Wittgenstein

1929 after quitting academia to teach primary school and to labor as a gardener, he returns to Cambridge University to begin Philosophical Investigations, the seminal work of 20th-Century Anglo-American philosophy.

-8th Go-go boots

2000 three decades after their kicky heyday, the knee-high footware states a surprising fashion revival.

-7th Harry Truman

1948 trailing in the polls by a wide margin for most of the presidential campaign, he turns the Chicago Tribune's DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN edition into a future treasure on eBay.

-6th Humanity

14th century after 25 million Europeans perish, mankind surges back from Black Death.

-5th Muhammad Ali

1974 Seven years after being stripped of his title and his boxing license, the Greatest KO's George Foreman in Zaire to win back the title.

-4th John Travolta

1994 Defibrillates his comatose movie career by taking a star turn in Pulp Fiction.

-3rd Michael Jordan

1995 tries baseball to make first triumphant comeback.

-2nd Japan and Germany

1950 ...

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