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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 10:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Power of the Pause (5 of 6)
Series: REVEALED - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation
Jordan Easely
Revelation 10

There are several Biblical references where Jesus makes cameo appearances. In the Old Testament, He's known as "the Angel of the Lord." We see that in the story of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego. Remember the guys in the fire? King Nebuchadnezzar said that he saw a fourth person in the fire. Who was the fourth? The Angel of the Lord. It was Jesus. Joshua had a conversation with the "captain of the Lord's Army..." Who's the Captain of the Lord's army? That's Jesus. You may remember, at one point, Gideon got in a UFC cage match with the "Angel of the Lord" and he walked away with a limp. Who's the Angel of the Lord? It's Jesus.

There are several cameo appearances in the Old Testament, where Jesus shows up and is referenced as 'Angel.' This is different than Cherubim... and Seraphim... and it's different than the Arch Angels. Jesus is referenced as a Mighty Angel.

So, for this reason, many people believe the Angel in [Rev. 10] is once again, Jesus. And it might be... but I personally believe this angel is the Holy Spirit... and let me tell you why: John says in [verse 1]-Then I saw 'another' mighty angel coming down from Heaven. He's already seen the mighty angel in Chapter 1... He's already seen the vision of Jesus-when he wrote the 7 letters to the 7 churches... but now, He's saying-there's 'ANOTHER' mighty angel that will come from Heaven... That word 'another' in the Greek, is literally translated: 'another of the same kind.'

So, the question is: Who is 'of the same kind' as Jesus, who is also referenced as 'A mighty angel'? The only explanation that makes sense to me is... the Holy Spirit.

This says... He will be wrapped in a cloud... with a rainbow over his head... His face will be like the sun and his legs will be like pillars of fire...

When you look at these descriptive images... they look ...

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