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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 11:1-19
This content is part of a series.

Title: God's Mighty Messengers (6 of 6)
Series: REVEALED - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation
Jordan Easley
Rev. 11

Most of us have a few favorite movies... these are movies you've seen multiple times... movies from which, you can quote lines... and if you're scrolling through the channels and one of these movies happens to be on TNT or the CW... you just can't help yourself... you're going to turn it on and you're going to watch it again. Do you have movies like that?

I realized this week that... in the majority of my favorite movies... the main character... DIES at the end... or falls short of accomplishing their mission...

Braveheart-I love that movie... but it ends with this incredible warrior... William Wallace... being apprehended and beheaded.

Friday Night Lights-one of my favorite sports movies... This movie is about my High School, Odessa Permian back in the year 1988... and just when you think they're going to win the state championship and leave victorious, do you know what happens? They lose... and the movie's over.

Gladiator-it ends with Maximus Decimus Meridius falling to the dirt and dying from mortal wounds after defeating his arch nemesis in a fight to the death. (or how about the greatest movie of all time...)

Dumb & Dumber-it ends with Lloyd Christmas walking away with no money in his Samsonite... & no Mary Swanson on his arm. Heartbreaking!

Not every great story ends with the HERO falling short... but sometimes, even in the Bible, it can appear like that at times.

My entire life, I've heard it said that... "In the end, God wins!" People have said, "No matter what happens, Jesus will get the victory!"

But let's be honest... it doesn't always seem like we're on the winning team. When you look around at the world we're living in today... It looks like the devil is having a field day. [Riots. Wars. Crime. Racism. Division. Political separation. Hate from all sides.] The storyline of our world doesn't really ...

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