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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 8:1-13, Revelation 9:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Trumpets will be Blown (4 of 6)
Series: REVEALED - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation
Jordan Easley
Rev. 8 & 9

When our kids were little... one year for Christmas... we decided to gift them a trip to Disney World. But instead of just saying, "We're going to Disney," or wrapping up a gift certificate and placing it in a giftbag, we decided to stretch it out a little bit.

We boxed up a stuffed Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and printed off a certificate, letting them know what we were doing and when we were going... but after wrapping it up, we decided to place that box inside another box... we then put that box inside another box... and we put that box inside another box. You get the picture...

(but if that wasn't torture enough) ...we then hid this massive gift in the garage then created a scavenger hunt with clues, making it nearly impossible for our kids to find the package. It took them forever! ...But the entire time they searched, Audra and I were right behind them, telling them... how awesome this gift was going to be... and how exciting it was going to be... which only intensified the anticipation they already felt.

You say, "Why would you torment your children like that?" (Haha) Our goal wasn't to torment our children... or even postpone their joy... Our goal was to simply prolong the suspense.

I sometimes feel like the book of Revelation was designed in a similar way. You open a box... and God reveals something... but that something leads us to another box... and another box. We've seen that to be true over the past couple weeks.

We've seen how God's judgment has been wrapped up in a scroll with seven seals. Last week we saw Jesus break the first six seals... and in doing so, it leads to war and death and destruction and disparity on an unprecedented scale. We saw how those on earth during this time of Tribulation will walk through horrible things... and they'll think, "It's the end of the world as we know it!"

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