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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 1:10-20, Revelation 2:1-29, Revelation 3:1-22
This content is part of a series.

Title: The Golden Key to Revelation (2 of 6)
Series: REVEALED - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation
Jordan Easley
Rev. 1:10-Rev. 3

This week, I, like many of you... stood in my back yard... looking to the sky... because I wanted to see a total eclipse. Well, as you know... in Cleveland, Tennessee, we didn't get a chance to see a 'total eclipse' but other places in the world did... and that's apparently a pretty big deal.

One report that I read this week said... "While an average of two eclipses happen every year, a particular spot on Earth is only in the path of totality every 375 years on average." So, that's pretty cool. Something that happens every 375 years on planet earth... happened this week.

Eclipses are fascinating to me... probably because the moon is so small. FACTS:
The moon is roughly 1,000 miles wide... the earth is 7,926 miles wide... but the sun is over 865,000 miles wide... that's a big difference.

The sun is so much bigger and greater than the moon, and yet, every once in a while, this little moon will pass between us and the sun... and even with it being so small in comparison, that moon will cause darkness on the earth... and prevent us from seeing the sun.

When I think about the SUN, I think about its brightness and its power. I think about how it was placed in the sky so that every person could see it and experience it. That's true... (not only regarding the SUN in the SKY) but that's also true... regarding the SON of God!

God sent Jesus (the SON)-so that every eye could see... and every ear could hear... and every life could experience... the goodness and the greatness and the power of God. He alone is Holy and He came to display God's majesty to mankind!

...And yet, since the very beginning of time, we've seen the Devil send many moons to block our view of Jesus... Even today, he sends many moons to block our world from seeing and experiencing the SUN.

God wants us to see His SON! He wants you to ...

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