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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Revelation 1:1-3
This content is part of a series.

Unveiling the Mystery of Revelation (1 of 6)
Series: REVEALED - Uncovering the Mystery of Revelation
Jordan Easley
Rev. 1:1-3

Today, we're beginning a new sermon series that I'm calling, "REVEALED" and over the next few months, we're going to be diving into the final book of the Bible in an attempt to... "Unveil the Mystery of Revelation."

This is a book that's oftentimes misunderstood and consider too mysterious for us to understand. A great number of pastors and churches neglect teaching Revelation on the grounds that it's too complicated or too controversial. Let me tell you why we're not going to be one of those churches... You ready? It's because God's word clearly tells us: If we bypass this book, we bypass a blessing.

What we're going to see today is that... This book stands alone in its ability to bless the life of its reader... so I want you to join me today in embarking on this journey as we look ahead... because I believe the Lord is going to use this study to bless our lives and bring us greater clarity... in a supernatural way.

As I was preparing for this message series, I stumbled upon some old notes from our Pastor Emeritus, Allan Lockerman. Many of you were here when he preached through Revelation a couple decades ago... many still reflect back on that series as one of their all-time favorites... so I'm going to plagiarize from his work as much as I can... HAHA!

In his introduction-he made a statement that I want to share with you today:
He said, "As you begin this study, three things are required. FIRST, you must be gracious. Realize that there are varied opinions and interpretations. No doubt, some will disagree with your understanding. SECOND, you must be patient. This book will not come together quickly. THIRD, you must be careful-careful to not read into this book regarding current events. People often interpret the Revelation by the evening news. Do not make that mistake."

As we walk through this series, I ...

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