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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-28
This content is part of a series.

Title: Barren, Broken, But Not Beaten (7)
Series: Great Reversal's in the Bible
Donald Cantrell
Text: 1 Samuel 1:1-28

I - The Helpless Barrenness of Hannah (1 - 5)

II - The Hateful Bullying of Hannah (6)

III - The Heavy Burden of Hannah (7 - 8)

IV - The Heartfelt Bitterness of Hannah (9 - 10)

V - The Hopeful Bargaining of Hannah (11)

VI - The Heavenly Blessing of Hannah (12 - 18)

VII - The Honorable Beauty of Hannah (19 - 28)


The doctor told Marsha Mark and her husband they would never have biological children. In their disappointment, Marsha clung to a friend's words: "Somehow, God is going to use your struggle with infertility for his glory." Marsha began to pray for a glimpse of that glory.

"I asked everyone I knew to pray," she said. "One five-year-old prayed, 'Dear God, please send Marsha a baby. Maybe someone could give her one, or she could just find one on the street.' "

Marsha's husband, Tom, a scientist, stopped praying when Marsha showed signs of menopause. Tom had seen lots of data. And in his lifetime, he'd never seen prayer change scientific facts.

Six months later, Marsha made an appointment for another pregnancy test. The doctor said no because Marsha hadn't had a period for seven months. "Asking for another pregnancy test indicates you are not accepting things as they are," he said. Marsha begged for the extra test anyway. And it came back positive." Over the next fourteen days, I had four more pregnancy tests and three more sonograms at the hospital's request. I think this time the doctor was having trouble dealing with the facts," Marsha said.

Her full-term pregnancy was uneventful. On October 22, 1996, Amanda Joy was born. "We call her Miracle Mandy," Marsha said.

"Special Delivery" Marsha Marks - Christian Reader

The Promotion of Prayer

Hannah More once said, "Prayer is the application of want to Him who alone can relieve it, the voice of sin to Him who alone can pardon it. It is ...

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