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by Craig Smith

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-28

Meaning in the Mess
Craig Smith
1 Samuel 1
Motherhood is messy. And it's not just dirty diapers or cleaning out the sports bags and nasty lunch boxes.

It's the middle of the night prayers for your kids (even when they are adults). It's going back and apologizing when you've lost your temper. It's learning how God made your kids uniquely and how to parent each of them differently. It's learning how to surrender them to God, from the first day of preschool to dropping them off at college. It's celebrating their successes and letting them experience the consequences of their poor choices. It's navigating new technology, cultural influences, and life challenges by relying on God's grace.

Motherhood is the hundred tiny ways that you model the gospel, day in and day out.

And while motherhood is messy, this Mother's Day we pray God shows you the meaning in the midst of the mess.

Well, hey, happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Hopefully nobody figured out it was Mother's Day when you got here today. You already knew, right? I knew a long time ago, just so you know, I knew. I actually write up my Mother's Day card, put it in the mail a week ago. How good a son am I? My wife told me I needed to do it, but still, I still think it counts, right?
And honestly, I think I would have known it was Mother's Day, even if I had no idea because of the planning process, I think I would have gotten here because just walking around, you can kind of tell it's Mother's Day. If you notice that on Mother's Day, here's what I've noticed on Mother's Day.
There's kind of a, there's an uptick in, VPKs, very photogenic kids. If you notice that, like Mother's Day, there's just a few more of them, like there's a few more cute dresses, a few more bows in the hair, a few more little boys with bow ties on. Right, just Mother's Day, it's just, it's a little more dressy and a little less [00:01:00] messy.
Anybody else notice that? Which is ironic, because motherhood is messy. A ...

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