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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Judges 13:1-25, Judges 14:1-20, Judges 16:1-31
This content is part of a series.

Title: Benched, But Back (6)
Series: Great Reversal's in the Bible
Donald Cantrell
Text: Judges 13, 14 & 16

Jdg 16:22 KJV - Howbeit the hair of his head began to grow again after he was shaven.

I - The Revolution of Samson (Judges 13: 1 - 5)

II - The Regression of Samson (Judges 14: 1 - 3)

III - The Reduction of Samson (Judges 16: 15 - 21)

IV - The Restoration of Samson (Judges 16: 22)

V - The Retaliation of Samson (Judges 16: 28 - 31)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.


The humorous story is told of a baseball manager who decided to play a rookie in right field one day. The regular fielder wasn't happy about it and loudly makes it know from the bench that it was a big mistake to play the kid.

As it turned out the rookie was so nervous that he messed up big-time. He made a couple of errors and misjudged several other fly balls that should have been called errors. Each time he messed up, the veteran complained loudly from the bench.

Finally, late in the game the manager replaced the rookie with the veteran, mostly to shut the veteran up. Not long after, the veteran mishandled the first ball hit to him for an error. As he came off the field at the end of the inning, everyone on the bench got very quiet so they could hear what he would say.

The manager was waiting for the veteran, but before the manager could address the man, the veteran ballplayer slammed his glove down in disgust and said, "Skipper, that kid has right field so messed up nobody can play it."

In the story before us, we watch as Samson blows in like a shooting star, before fizzling out like sparkler. He literally sizzled and shined briefly, but he loved women and the world more than he loved God. In time, the Lord had to bench his chosen vessel, but the Lord would not him remain on that bench. There is hope for you, though God may have had to bench you, he can still use you!!!

Personal Benching

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