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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:9-20, Ecclesiastes 12:1-14

The Bottom Line (12)
Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14

When it comes to most things in life don't you want to know the bottom line?

- You want to know what's the bottom line at work... how do I know if I do my job well?

- We don't want to guess at what the bottom line is. However too many people seem to be willing to go through life itself without knowing or finding out the bottom line. At the end of the day, in life under the sun... what's the bottom line? What really matters?

We don't know for sure who wrote Eccl. (Possibly Solomon or someone w/ him in mind.)

A key theme in the book is the idea of life "under the sun." This refers to life in this fallen world from man's perspective.

The key word throughout the book is the Hebrew word "Hevel," usually translated "vanity." It has multiple meanings and at times it takes different meanings in the text. It can mean meaningless, fleeting, frustrating, inscrutable. -- Many times the writer says this life filled with "hevel" is like "chasing the wind" it's a life of frustration, a life you can't control, that is quickly passing, and apart from God ... empty.

As we wind down the focus is on... what's the bottom line in this fallen world?

READ TEXT- Eccl. 11:9-12:14

1. Steward Your Heart and Life Well Today- 11:9-10

[9]Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

Throughout this book I've pointed out the call to enjoy life. The difference today is the emphasis on the urgency of the matter. ENJOY LIFE TODAY, NOW. Do not wait!

He says rejoice in your youth- Enjoy being young, enjoy life while you are young.

- The ways of your heart, the sight of your eyes.-- This is not a call to hedonism. The context is you should know that God will bring you into Judgeme ...

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