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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:1-8

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Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Ecclesiastes 11:1-8

ILLUS.- Last week like millions of other Americans I watched as Michael Phelps lined up outside the water to race for his 20th gold medal. He's one even more now I know, but I'm talking about the race he had in the 200 meters. Another swimmer and he had a little jawing back and forth going on for apparently like 2 or 3 years. This was the big race. As they are racing I'm thinking... what if Phelps got a cramp? -- Wouldn't that be like the worst?! But he didn't, he won the gold medal and his rival didn't medal at all. --- But technically it was possible, he could have pulled a hamstring, or got a cramp. -- In fact in the next relay race his swim cap tore during the relay before he got in the water and had to be replaced.

Life is full of risks. Bad things happen and good things happen. We can not predict what is going to happen in this fallen world under the sun. None of us have been to the future. We are not Marty McFly holding a sports almanac from the future that will allow us to get rich.

- Michael Phelps didn't win gold medals by thinking about cramping, losing, or being afraid of the water. He wins medals by swimming. -- If you are going to swim, you got to jump in.

I think at this point in Ecclesiastes, he wants us to swim. He wants us to jump in. He want us to act. He's told us of the unpredictable nature of life. But he's going to show us now that doesn't mean do nothing. He's walking us through how to handle life in an unpredictable world.

Knowing the unpredictable we sometimes live one of two ways...

- Some people live like everything is going to break their way. --- They don't live confidently, they live arrogantly. Life is more like a game than a life to them. They have a long list of shouldn't haves.

- Some people live like nothing ever will go their way.--- They are paralyzed by fear and indecision. They don't take risks, they have a ...

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