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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 8:1-17

Out of Your Control (8)
Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Eccl. 8:1-17

ILLUS.- If you've ever been driving down the road in your car and hit a patch of ice, or some water... and felt that tug, that shift... where you know... you are no longer in control. It's a scary thing. --- We like control. We like for things to make sense. When the car is not turning right, and we can't make it stop, this doesn't make sense... it scares us, nobody wants to experience that.

- A key theme in Ecclesiastes is that much of life is really out of your control. If we could control everything in life we wouldn't be humans, we'd be God. The fact that we are not in control can be FRUSTRATING. We look out at a broken world and we don't know what to do. We see things we'd like to change and we can't, we see things that seem unfair, and we don't know what to do. But this lack of control over things should actually HUMBLE US.

Throughout this chapter, and to some degree the next, we are exposed to just how out of our control many things are.--- It's important for us to embrace humility over frustration, to not give up but rather surrender... to not turn from but rather to God.


[1] Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed.

Wisdom is life changing. Wisdom impacts how you live, etc. Wisdom is a blessing. It's good to live wisely. Throughout this book he calls us to wise living over foolish living. Even in the midst of the frustrations he shares.... he is teaching WISDOM.


Is there anything humans have trouble with more than submitting to authority instead of trying to control it? --- In fact if we could control it all the time maybe we'd be more willing to submit to it.-

- ILLUS.- Imagine a world where you pick your boss, and if you don't like what they are asking of you, you just change their request! Imagine ...

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