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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:1-16

Two Are Better Than One (4)
Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Eccl. 4:1-16

Today is a weird day. It's Father's Day and we are grateful for our dads, and for godly men in our church who serve Jesus well. At the same time....

This has been one of the worst weeks, if not the worst week, in the history of our city. Just last weekend we had Christina Grimmie, a pop star, murdered in our city. Then the same weekend 49 people murdered and dozens more injured in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, and also a horrific incident at one of our resorts --- This has been a hard week for city.

- I don't have a magic sermon to make it all go away. Our city is hurting and that doesn't just go away. This is a time to mourn with our neighbors and to walk through this together, and for the church to simply be church.

- Like never before, the world around us needs to see the church be the church and men be men. Dad's being Christ like and on mission is always urgent. You are needed on the front lines.

The Bible teaches us the world is a BROKEN/FALLEN WORLD. The Bible pulls no punches. Evil is here. People do bad things. People suffer. Tragedies and unexplainable events happen.

- We are in a series on Ecclesiastes. I have said from the beginning that this book pops the bubble we sometimes live in. It tells us plainly, the world is broken. Sin ruins everything. \

Throughout this book the author shows us the brokenness, the ugly, the vanity... and then points us to God. -- This morning he points us to one of the beautiful gifts God has given us ... OTHERS. -- YOU WERE MADE FOR COMMUNITY.

- Times like these amplify the need for community in our lives and the need for us to be a Christ-centered community within the greater community of Orlando.


When sin entered the world it fractured our relationship with God. It also fractured our relationship with one another.

- ILLUS.- Adam and Eve didn't just hide from God. ...

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