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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

The Reality of Time (3)
Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Eccl. 3:1-15

Today we honored our graduates. We have milestones in life we mark life by...

- You are born, first word, first birthday, you walk, your first day of school, driver's license, graduation from HS, first day of college, graduation from college, first job, marriage, becoming a parent... then your milestones start over but you are in a different role!

- I sat in on the student Bible study a few weeks ago and Dave had written on their white board in the room, "spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, wills"-- I thought what in the world... he said that's the phases of life. --- I knew immediately that I was approaching middle aged... bills. Many of you know exactly where you are at!

Life is a vapor. It's quickly passing. In this journey we have milestones we commemorate and times we wish we could bottle up, hit the pause button, but we can't it passes by.

Today we are going to, in Eccl., reflect on time and how to make the most of our time here on earth. Christians, we know that there is this thing called ETERNITY. So we know the time we have in this life pales in comparison to eternity. So how will we live?

- At the end of the day whether you are a graduating Senior, a middle schooler, a senior adult, a young parent, a single, or college student... don't waste your life, don't waste your time... seize the day.--- How do you live your times and seasons today in light of eternity? How would God have you seize the day?

- Christian or not, there are 3 realities as you live out the reality of your time here that you need to come to terms with.

READ TEXT- Eccl. 3:1-22

Three realities: The reality of rhythm, the reality of God and eternity, and the reality of death.

The Reality of Rhythm - Time is Structured- 3:1-8

[1] For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: [2] a time to be born, and a time to d ...

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