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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-18

Vanity Under Sun (1)
Series: Chasing the Wind-A Study of Ecclesiastes
Josh Malone
Eccl. 1:1-18

"What's the point?" - Have you ever looked at anything and asked that question? Maybe you've done that with your job or you golf game, but have you ever done it with life? Usually we are so busy with life that we never stop to ask the deep questions. The hard questions.

- Ecclesiastes is the book of the Bible makes you stop and ask the hard questions. -- It's been called the WHY of the Bible. --- It's a part of what we call wisdom literature in the Bible like Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and Job. The purpose is to help to LIVE WISELY.

There is something hear for both the non-Christian and the Christian.

- If you are not a believer, this book is going to expose every wound before it finally supplies the medicine. It will challenge whatever your view of life is.

- Believer this book is going to challenge you not to slip into an old way of living and check your life to make sure you are living for what matters and as if it matters.

READ TEXT (Eccl. 1:1-18)

We get an understanding in this first chapter of what this book is going to be about. We can feel the author's frustration and we see that he is going on a search to make sense of life.

Have you wondered what he asks in 1:3- What does man gain by all the toil? Ever been frustrated with life, wondered whats the point? --- Have you ever wondered whats the point of life and why is the world so messed up? --- If so, this book is for you.

Today let's find the reason for vanity under the sun & how to find purpose and meaning, making the most of our fleeting lives in a broken world.

1:1-The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

- Who wrote it? Preacher- Gk-"KO-HELLET"- It can mean a speaker in an assembly.

- Jewish and Christian tradition holds Solomon as the author. This is due to the fact that he was literally the son of David, was king in Jerusalem, and other keys ...

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