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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34
This content is part of a series.

The Greatest Commandment (8)
Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 22:34-40 ; Mark 12:28-34

Good AM. I hope you've had a blessed week! It's hard to believe that we're in week 9 of our Come/See series. But I have to say that I'm so thankful to hear the many stories of how God is moving in our church thru this study of the life/ministry of Jesus.

Today, we've arrived at the scene of what Jesus says is the most important commandment in the Bible - to love God w/ every fiber of our being and to love others the way we want God to love us.

When you hear the word LOVE, what thoughts come to mind? This week, I read a humorous article sharing the idea of love from a group of preschoolers:

Caroline, age 5 - My mom says love is finding a boy who is kind. So that's what I'll do. I'll find a boy who is kinda' tall and kinda handsome and love him.

Mary, age 4 - Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you leave him alone all day.

Bobby, age 5 - Love is what's in the room w/ you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.

Karl, age 5 - Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.

I'm not so sure these preschoolers have grasped the idea of love quite yet - but the sad truth is there are many adults who struggle w/ love too - and yet loving and being loved is an absolute must in life.

While money might make the world go round; it's love that makes the trip worthwhile. Neil Oliver

DYK - in the Greek language, there are (4) primary words used for love w/ only (2) found in the N.T.

eros - refers to having a romantic, affectionate love

storge - refers to having a love for family

philio - refers to having a strong, friendship love

agape - refers to having a sacrificial, selfless love

In Scripture, when the Bible speaks of love, it most often refers to agape love - which Paul reserved exclusively for describing the unconditi ...

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