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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
This content is part of a series.

Biblical Pattern of Repentance (7)
Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
Luke 15:11-32

A dairy farmer needing a new truck saw an online ad about a sale at the local car dealership. After finding what he liked, he started to write a check until the salesman said, "Wait, I haven't given you the final price." The farmer replied, "But I saw the price advertised online." The salesman said, "Oh, that's for the basic model - the options cost extra." Well, after haggling over the price, he paid for the truck and drove off. A few weeks later, the salesman called the farmer b/c he needed a cow for his son's 4-H project. The farmer assured him that he had several cows for sale for $500. So, the salesman drove out and selected a cow, but when he took out his checkbook, the farmer said, "Wait. I haven't given you the final price." He then handed the salesman a bill that read:

BASIC COW $ 500.00
Two-tone Exterior $ 125.00
Extra Stomach $ 75.00
Four Handy Spigots @ $25 each $ 100.00
Leather upholstery $ 200.00
Dual Horns $ 50.00
Automatic Rear Fly Swatter $ 65.00
GRAND TOTAL $1,115.00

POINT - whether buying cars or cows - it's essential to always know the bottom line. What is the true cost?
When it comes to following Jesus, if we really knew the real cost, most people would have sticker shock. The same is true as it applies to true Biblical repentance/forgiveness. Too often, most of us attempt to short-circuit the process b/c we have sticker shock to the actual cost of making things right w/ God/others.

When we've blown it, and want/need forgiveness, we don't always want to do what's required to have it. This is a key lesson in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

Jesus said: "There was a man who had (2) sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So, the father divided his property b/w them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he ha ...

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