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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: John 8:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Go and Sin No More (6)
Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
John 8:1-11

On March 22, 1824, a tragic incident took place in Madison Co., IN, which came to be known as the Fall Creek Massacre. (6) men murdered in cold blood (9) Seneca Indians. One of the men, 18-year-old, John Bridges Jr., although an accomplice, was sentenced to death by hanging for his part in the massacre, showed great remorse during the trials and begged for clemency. Seemingly falling on deaf ears, w/in days, he was still sent to the gallows along w/ his father/uncle. As he was awaiting execution, Bridges Jr. first had to watch the execution of his father/uncle, then soon after, he was led to the gallows - and as the rope was being lowered over his head, suddenly, a loud noise arose from the back of the crowd as a stranger rode up and looked Bridges Jr. in the face. He asked, "Sir, do you know in whose presence you stand?" Bridges shook his head - no! "There are but (2) powers known to the law that can save you from hanging by the neck until you are dead, dead, dead. One is the God of the Universe, the other is J. Brown Ray, Governor of Indiana - and the latter stands before you." Handing over the written pardon, the governor shared, "You are pardoned."

In an instant, what had looked like a hopeless situation became a door of hope. John Bridge Jr. went back home, settled down, and in gratitude for grace, he lived honorably/peacefully the remaining 51 yrs of his life!

Can you imagine the fear that must've gripped Bridges Jr. as he watched his father/uncle die - knowing he was guilty and deserving of the punishment he was about to receive? Can you imagine the terror he experienced as he was led to the gallows and had the noose placed around his neck?

In John 8:1-11, we find the story of another person who also experienced such terror. A guilty, sinful woman who'd been caught in the act of adultery and was thrown down before Jesus for judgment. A woman who knew the ...

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