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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Matthew 16:13-27
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Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 16:13-27

Video - Inattention Blindness Exercise

Have you ever heard of inattention blindness? It's when you can't see the forest for the trees b/c you're so focused on the details that you can't see everything else that's going on. It's the inability to see/perceive information in plain sight b/c your attention/focus prevents you from seeing all the details.

IAB occurs b/c there's far too much info entering into the brain thru the eyes for the brain to fully process it - as a result, the brain has to function like a spotlight zooming in on a particular aspect of the scene while ignoring or not paying attention to the other aspects - and what we don't pay attention to we don't see.

I think this happens at times when we read the Bible - we miss some of the details that others might see, and catch some details that others might miss. This is one of the reasons we need to read, study, and discuss the Scriptures w/ other people - to help us to see as much as possible so that we can grow in our faith.

This is part of the beauty of why we're doing what we are doing as a church in this Come and See journey. As we read the Scripture and study the same passages devotionally, we gather each week to pool/share what God has pointed out to us to spur one another along.

NOW - if you remember, last week we entered into the 3rd year of Jesus' earthly ministry and we got to see firsthand the disciples finally believing that Jesus was the Messiah. Today, we're going to fast-forward some 3-6 months later to the far north of Israel to the area known as Caesarea Philippi at the base of Mt. Hermon.

Caesarea Philippi was the mountain resort built by Herod the Great to honor Caesar where the Romans built a number of pagan altars to worship their gods. The big hole in the side of the mountain (picture) was considered to be the gate to the underworld and was known as the Gates of H ...

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