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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34
This content is part of a series.

Living for a Higher Purpose (3)
Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
Matthew 6:19-34

I love humorous/clever church signs.

- Tweet others as you want to be tweeted

- Forgive your enemies - it messes w/ their heads

- Don't give up! Moses was once a basket case too

- Don't let worry kill you... let the church help!

Question. What stresses you out? What keeps you up all night and anxious all day? Based on recent trends, it appears we're a society drowning in anxiety/worry.

STATS - the avg. person is anxious about nothing:

- 40% on things that'll never happen

- 30% on things in the past that can't be changed

- 12% on the mostly untrue criticism of others

- 10% on health/financial issues and ambitions

- 8% on real problems that most of us face daily

We're 3-weeks into our Come and See journey learning how to follow Jesus - and I'm so thankful for how the Lord is moving among us. If you've been following in the QT Journal, this week we've been in the SOTM - where Jesus elaborated on the true meaning of the Law/Prophets. In particular, today, I want to camp out in Matthew 6:19-34 to see what Jesus had to say is key to following Him.

Read Matthew 6:19-34

In a nutshell - Jesus was saying that the key to life, no matter whatever challenges we might face, is learning to prioritize the eternal over the earthly - and what will last over being worried about things that'll pass away. It's learning to trust in Him, steward His blessings, and seek first His will in all areas of life.

In this text, Jesus outlines (5) truths essential to stewarding our lives in a way that honors God instead of living consumed by the worries of the world.

I VALUE the Eternal Over the Earthly

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths/rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths/rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in an ...

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