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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: John 2:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Telegraphing the Message (1)
Series: Life and Ministry of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
John 2:1-11

I'm excited! Pumped! B/c I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do in/thru our lives over the next 12 weeks as we walk together in the footsteps of Jesus.

For me, this journey began when I was awakened one evening in the middle of the night to the urging of the H.S. As I got out of bed and began to pray, I sensed a question in my soul that left me befuddled. I silently heard w/in my spirit, "When have you ever followed me?" My initial response was, "Lord, I've been trying to follow you since I was 12." Yet again I heard, "But when have you ever followed Me? When have you strapped on your sandals, became the 13th disciple and walked w/ Me from start to finish as I discipled the (12)?" And my reply, "Lord, I've never done that!" So, the next AM, I went to my office, laid out the (4) Gospels, and preceded to parallel chronologically the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus. Then, over the next few months, I made this my daily QT - and God began a new work in me that has changed everything about my relationship w/ Him.

So, I'm pumped! B/c together, over the next 12 weeks, I can hardly wait to see how God is going to move in and thru all of us as we allow Jesus to be our Rabbi. Here's how it's going to work. You do the daily Bible reading, then I'll teach on one of the days, your LIFE Group will teach on another - and we all discuss it.

This AM, I want to begin in John 2:1-11 w/ Jesus' 1st recorded miracle - where Jesus is telegraphing the message of His coming by turning water into wine.

In sports, telegraphing is when one athlete unintentionally, by their words/actions, alerts their opponent to what they're about to do before they do it - enabling their opponent to gain an advantage.

A QB tips off the defender to where he's going to throw a pass - and it gets intercepted. A pitcher's tips pitches so a hitter knows in advance what pitch ...

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