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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Romans 12:3-8

The Advantage of Spiritual Gifts (4)
Series: Advantage
Josh Malone
Romans 12:3-8

ILLUS.- The last few months we'e seen David Bowie, Merle Haggard, and Prince all die. All were huge contributors to their various music tribes. All were very talented/gifted artists. - The Bible teaches that every Christian is gifted. You have been given by God a way to contribute to God's Kingdom.

God has given His children gifts. As we finish up our series on the Holy Spirit today I want to talk about spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are how the Spirit of God gifts the children of God to advance the mission of God.--- God wants the church to be built up, people to grow in christ, people to remain steadfast in Christ. He has gifted every believer in this room with a way to contribute.

Big Idea: Every believer has been equipped with a way to help contribute to the God's church and mission.--- YOUR ARE GIFTED, SO USE IT.

READ TEXT- Rom. 12:3-8

Context: Paul has just transitioned from the heavy emphasis of doctrine in Rom. 1-11 to how to live that doctrine out starting in Rom. 12. He urges us to present our bodies as living sacrifices. In other words in the Christian life there is no need to go slaughter a sacrifice. Jesus Christ is the final Lamb. There is no need for other sacrifices for He has paid for our sin.

- However, now God asks us to give a living sacrifice, our very bodies, our lives, all of us, living for the glory of God.--- Everyday we are to put ourselves on the altar, not to pay for our sins but because they are paid for. We live as living sacrifices not to make things right with God but because in Christ things have been made right with God. (Gospel- Jesus in my place- now I live as a response.)

- We can't do this however if we don't have renewed minds. This is a work of the Spirit of God, He changes our hearts and mind. Then starting in verse 3 Paul begins to focus what this transformed life of worship looks like, starting with spiritual gifts i ...

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