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by Josh Malone

Scripture: John 14:16-26

The Promise of His Presence (1)
Series: Advantage
Josh Malone
John 14:16-26

This week we are starting a new series called Advantage: They Holy Spirit and You. Taken from... John 16:7- "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."

- This is what Jesus thought about the impact of the Holy Spirit coming in New Covenant power after His death and resurrection. The impact would be so great on the church and on the world, that it was BETTER that the Son of God "go away" so the Spirit of God would come in this kind of power.

Do you feel its too your advantage or to the church's advantage today that Jesus is not physically sitting beside you in a chair today? -- You may have even thought, "I may would live more like those NT folks if I had Jesus and could see all his miracles right here before me." --- Jesus says your better off now than they were then.

People can really get off track when it comes to the Holy Spirit. Obsessed vs. Stressed.

- Experience vs. Truth--- We need experience grounded in truth, not one at the expense of another.


This week we are in John 14:15-26. --- Let me set up the scene:

- John 13-17 is Jesus' last recorded teaching with his disciples by John before the cross. He is preparing them for the fact that He is about to die on the cross, rise again, and then ascend to Heaven. There world is about to radically change.

- In John 14 Jesus has been teaching about the fact that He is going away to prepare a place for His followers and that He will come again to take us to Himself.

So feel the weight of this... the General that has led you into battle, trained you, motivated you, rebuked your errors, encouraged you, fought along side you, is now telling as you get ready to head out into the final array that He's going away. ...

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