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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 19:1-30
This content is part of a series.

When There Is No King (40 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 19

Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. They thought that an earthly king would solve their problems.

God in Providence and mercy raises up judges to deliver the people. In each case, it was to remind Israel that their ultimate deliverance would not come from an earthly leader. They needed a king to come, a king named Jesus.

Before we read the text, I want to share a pastoral preview. Tonight's story is one of the most challenging in the Bible. One of the characters in this chapter, a woman, becomes the victim of a vicious assault. In fact, she is forcibly abused and then her life is taken.

Some of you, perhaps, have experienced things like that in your life and in your family. I do not feel the need to apologize for the sacred text. But I wanted you to know this sacred text rightly testifies about a very unsacred scene.

This church family knows that I will deal with that aspect with pastoral care and grace. But part of that grace is me letting you know, in advance, what we are about to read. Because tonight, we study Judges 19, all 30 verses, and we examine how mankind lives when there is no king. (Judges 19)

Judges 19 is, without question, one of the darkest and most disturbing chapters in the Bible. Perhaps only the accounts of our Lord's crucifixion rival this chapter in revealing the depth of sin and its deadly consequences.

There is also no question that this chapter is reminiscent of the riotous and perverted mob that filled the streets of Sodom on the night that angels sought to rescue Lot from the coming judgment.

Angelic messengers were dispatched to that ancient plain of the Jordan to warn Lot and his family about the fire and brimstone that would fall before daybreak.

I want you to have that image in your mind because this message tonight, as dark and disconcerting as it may b ...

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