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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1-18

Building People with the Word (5)
Series: Rebuilt
Josh Malone
Nehemiah 8:1-18

In Nehemiah we have been seeing Nehemiah used mightily by God to lead the people to rebuild the walls in Jerusalem. However, God was not only interested in the building of walls but in the building of His people. God chose Israel to be a people for Himself. They were to exist for God's glory not their own. They were to be His witnesses.

- Jesus Christ has come into the world and He is building His church, His chosen people.

This morning we are going to see the main tool God uses by the power of His Spirit to build His people is His Word. God's Word is central to your spiritual growth, and the growth of the body. God's Word is what is to shape our hearts and minds and our church culture.

- Legalistic Culture- They make style and decisions of Christian liberty and the like main issues. They make tertiary issues primary.

- Liberal Culture- Anything goes. Doctrine is not important. They don't want to offend.

- Consumeristic Culture- It's all about you. Do I like the music, the preaching, the venue? Am I pleased? Are my preferences met?

- Insider Culture- It's only about us. We don't think about the outsider. Let's create a church we love, and not consider how to reach our community.

- Traditional Culture- We do it the way we've always done it.

We need to be a church that has a GOSPEL CULTURE and a WORD CULTURE. It's about what does God's Word say and teach. What reflects the truths of the gospel? A culture that is forgiving and firm, a culture that is full of grace and truth, a culture that stresses community and mission, a culture that prods us to worship God not enables us to worship self.

- ILLUS.- FIXER UPPER- They take an ugly house and some money and they totally revive that house. Its sort of rebuilt, its a total makeover. --- God's Word can have this effect on His people individually corporately. If we will teach it and apply it.

In Nehemiah 8 the ...

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