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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 10:6-16
This content is part of a series.

Where Do You Turn When God Turns You Down? (24 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 10:6-16

In those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. But this book, like the whole of Scripture, is ultimately about the Lord Jesus.

It is in that sense that this narrative in Judges 10 is a dark and yet beautiful picture of the grace of God and about where to turn when God turns you down. (Judges 10:6-16)

Nobody likes to get turned down. I read this week that Al Pacino was originally offered the role of Hans Solo in Star Wars but he called George Lucas and turned him down.

Earlier this month, golf legend Greg Norman revealed that he had offered Tiger Woods more than $700M to play in the LIV golf series. But Woods turned him down.

I heard about a couple who went to their 50th class reunion at the local high school. This henpecked husband and his brow-beating wife. When they arrived, there was an old man dancing on the gym floor, obviously under the influence.

The wife said, "You see that guy? 50 years ago he asked me to marry him. But I turned him down." The husband said, "And look at him now, 50 years later, still celebrating his good fortune!"

In Judges 10, there is a "turn down" that isn't the subject of celebration but it has been the subect of no small controversy. Because it's not a MOVIE star, a SPORTS star, or a potential GIRLFRIEND that's turning you down. But this GOD HIMSELF turning down the request for deliverance.

The God whose mercies endure forever, rejects the request for mercy.

The God who is patient and longsuffering has run out of patience.

The God who is slow to anger and quick to forgive is red hot mad and as far as the request for deliverance, God turns them down.

Dale Ralph Davis comments that "Here is faithlessness stacked high. Israel's state is not m ...

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