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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 9:22-24
This content is part of a series.

The Wheels of God's Justice (21 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 9:22-24

In those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. But this book, like the whole of Scripture, is ultimately about the Lord Jesus.

A few of the tales along the way are noteworthy. Shamgar, Ehud, Lady Deborah, and Barak. But most of the stories are littered with immorality and idolatry. And they serve as cautionary tales of WHAT not to do, WHERE not to go, and WHO not to become.

Such is the case in Judges 9 as we see the rise and fall of Abimelech. And it's a case of civil war among God's people.

Now, preaching historical narratives like Judges 9 is different than preaching a New Testament epistle. I'm not going to dissect each of these 57 verses. But Judges 9 tells a long, twisted, and sad story of ruin and rebellion. It is one of the more fascinating narratives in the book of Judges. The 57 verses tell one running story. But I have divided the narrative it into 3 sections or scenes.

There was a bloody scene (1-6)

In verses 1-6, I remind you that following the death of General Gideon, Abimelech, his son by a concubine, conspired to murder 70 of his own brothers. He wanted to be king in Shechem.

In a sermon called, "The Road to Ruin," we discussed how his lust for power and influence led him to approach the city leaders with a plan that led to the extermination of his whole family.

There was a bitter scene (7-21)

Following the murder of his brothers, Abimilech was installed as the king in the city of Shechem. But according to the parable offered by Jotham, he was at best a "bramble bush king." In the supposed shade of the bramble, the people quickly came to realize this was not a wise move.

There was a battle scene (22-57)

The 36 verses that comprise the main portion of this chapter read l ...

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