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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 2 Kings 4:38-41
This content is part of a series.

Title: Poison In The Pulpit (5 of 8)
Series: Great Reversal's in the Bible

Author: Donald Cantrell
Text: 2 Kings 4:38-41

I - Logically Speaking

II - Symbolically Speaking

III - Historically Speaking

IV - Theologically Speaking

V - Practically Speaking

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with subpoints.

He Mixed Rat Poison In Wife's Food

A Dulzura woman who was secretly nearly poisoned to death by her husband shared her warning for women all over the world with "Dateline NBC" Monday night.

Back in March, Race Remington Uto was sentenced to 21 years to life in prison after he pleaded guilty to trying to poison and kill his wife Brigida McInvale by repeatedly feeding her a dangerous chemical once used in rat poison.

More than two weeks before Uto's March 2018 arrest, his wife was admitted to a hospital with an unknown illness, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Medical staff was able to determine that the she had an extreme level of Thallium in her system.

Thallium is a heavy metal that was used as a rat poison and ant killer until it was banned in the 1960s. The chemical is so dangerous that it's considered a weapon of mass destruction by the U.S. government and can't be purchased over the counter anywhere in San Diego County.

Detectives believe McInvale had ingested the chemical in her food and drink over the span of months. The DA called Uto's actions premeditated.

NBC News Sandiego "Dateline NBC"

A few years ago. our family went to a new Mexican Restaurant in our community and before we knew what had happened, 4 out the 5 of us were food poisoned, and we never found out what happened. It doesn't take much to go wrong to poison the entire recipe, right?

She Poisoned Husband's Smoothie

A Missouri woman accused of trying to kill her husband by poisoning his drinks was allegedly caught on camera preparing a toxic smoothie for him. Prosecutors have charged Sarah Scheffer, 38, ...

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