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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 7:1-25
This content is part of a series.

The Glory of Weakness (16 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 7:1-25

In those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. But this book, like the whole of Scripture, is ultimately about the Lord Jesus.

So, as we move through these texts, we are watching for Christ and we are committed to finding Jesus in Judges. And it's amazing that we find our great and powerful God manifested against the weakness of a man. As God glorifies Himself in human inability, I want you to consider The Glory of Weakness. (Judges 7:1-25)

We live in a culture that values strength.
Our talent contests try to find the best singers.
Our beauty contests seek out the prettiest girls.

Our athletic events crown those who can:
Hit the ball the farthest
Throw the ball the fastest
Lift the most weight, and
Score the most points

While there is nothing wrong with that kind of success, the problem occurs when we bring that sense of superiority and giftedness into the Lord's work. The story of Gideon's remarkable defeat over the Midianites is, among other things, the story of God's power on display. Far from portraying Gideon as a brilliant military strategist, the text is really about the power of Gideon's God.

If there are medals to be awarded, they belong to God. If trophies are to be distributed, they belong at the Lord's feet. For here, in Judges 7, is but the latest example of a powerful God who delivers His weak people. And He delivers them the same way He delivered their fathers, the same way He delivered us: With an unexpected deliverer who used unexpected means.

God works in this marvelous and merciful way to put His power on display against the backdrop of our utter and total weakness.

1. Our help must be reduced (1-8)

In chapter 6, God called, commanded, and commissioned Gideon to deliver I ...

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