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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 6:25-32
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Why Not Start at Home (14 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 6:25-32

In those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. God in His Providence raised up a series of judges to deliver the people. But they are each inferior, inadequate and insufficient as would be the kings who would follow them. And all of this is designed to prepare them and us for the reign of King Jesus.

So, as we move through these texts, we are watching for Christ and we are committed to finding Jesus in Judges. And tonight we are going to find Him in one of the lesser-known portions of the Gideon narrative. As God begins to deliver His people from the Midianites, it seems as if He asks young Gideon a question, "Why Not Start at Home?" (Judges 6:25-32)

A wife and mother decided to run for governor. In the process of the campaign, she neglected her house and home. One evening, she told her husband that she believed she was going to "sweep the state." He replied by handing her a broom and saying, "Great. If you're going to sweep the state, why not start at home?"

Simon Peter wrote to the church and declared, "It is time for judgment to begin with the household of God."

The call of Gideon happened in the winepress. And that press was in an oak grove that belonged to Gideon's father, Joash, the Abiezrite. That encounter with the Lord happened in Gideon's back yard. It was in the oak grove on the old "home place."

And no sooner than Gideon is enlisted as a general in the Lord's Army than he receives his first deployment. But it wasn't to travel to the headquarters of the Midianites. It wasn't to mount a stallion and race off to kill the Midianite king.
His first orders involved combat a whole lot closer to home. In fact, it was so close to home, it WAS his home.

You might say that when Gideon saluted the Lo ...

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