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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 6:11-24
This content is part of a series.

God Will Use You in Spite of You (13 of 42)
Series: The Coming King: Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 6:11-24

In those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king.

God in His Providence raised up judges to deliver the people. But as great as they were, they were fallen and sinful. And in each case, the inadequacy of the earthly ruler was to remind Israel that their ultimate deliverance would not come from an earthly leader. But the King before whom our hearts should bow and our knees should bend was not king David, but King Jesus.

So, as we move through these texts, we are watching for Christ and we are committed to finding Jesus in Judges. And in this text we see a simple truth, "God will use you in spite of you." (Judges 6:11-24)

As we walk through this text we will see the kind of person God chooses to use. And the bottom line is, God chooses to use people just like you.

He isn't looking for the beauty queen or the quarterback. He can certainly use those. But those are not characteristics the Lord requires. And when the Master does occasionally find someone with seemingly "much" to offer Him, rest assured, He's not even using them because of their giftedness. God never uses anyone because of. He unconditionally uses us in spite of.

We learn that as we watch the Lord commission a man who would later be known as Jerubbaal. When we meet him here, he's just called, "Gideon." And Brother Gideon teaches us a valuable lesson about being used by God.

The story of Gideon is just the latest episode in an ongoing and unfolding drama of grace whereby God raises up unlikely and unexpected heroes. From a crippled, left-handed assassin to an unsuspecting woman in a tent, God was even then, using the weak things of the world to confound the strong.

In their unsuspecting ministry, they point us to One who would late ...

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