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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 4:1-24
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It's Hammer Time (10 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 4:1-24

Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. Indeed, in those days there was no king in Israel and every man did that which was right in his own eyes. And even the best and brightest of Israel seemed to believe that an earthly king would solve their problems. Perhaps they were part of an ancient "Moral Majority."

God in Providence raised up judges to deliver the people. But as great as they were, they were fallen and sinful. And in each case, the inadequacy of the earthly ruler was to remind Israel that their ultimate deliverance would not come from an earthly leader.

In this process, the time of the Judges was to prepare Israel for a king and to awaken their hearts to kneel at His throne. But the King before whom our hearts should bow and our knees should bend was not king David, but King Jesus. (Judges 4:1-24)

In 1989, rap artist MC Hammer released his Grammy-award winning project that included the song, "Can't Touch This." I am told, I do not know this personally, but I am told that the song contained a phrase about, "Hammer Time," and that this phrase became a cultural phenomenon.

I say that I don't know that personally because, by 1989, I had progressed in sanctification to the point that I was no longer listening to secular music. So, I have no idea about the godless lyrics of such fleshly entertainment. But Brother Lynn Harris knows this song very well and he brought his balloon pants and will now recreate the popular video.

But here in Judges 4, we have a real God-ordained "hammer time." And it doesn't involve balloon pants, dancers, or stolen riffs from Rick James...who I also do not know...because, of course, of my sanctification!

It's an old story of Girl Wonder Woman with Thor's hammer...As Jael nails Sisera to the ground inside her tent.

To find Jesus in this section of Judg ...

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