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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 3:12-30
This content is part of a series.

An Unlikely Savior (8 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 3:12-30

Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. They thought that an earthly king would solve their problems.

God in Providence and mercy raises up judges to deliver the people. But as great as they are, they are fallen and sinful. The inferiority of their judges is only rivaled by the inferiority of the earthly kings that would follow them.

In each case, it was to remind Israel that their ultimate deliverance would not come from an earthly leader. They needed a king to come, a king named Jesus.

We see Him pictured tonight in the strange story of a strange deliverer...Ehud, the left-handed Benjamite. (Judges 3:12-30)

A piece of history can be yours this December. 75-year old Sylvester Stallone is downsizing. As a result, he is auctioning off a lot of props and memorabilia from the Rocky series and the Rambo series.

Rambo knives are expected to go for $20,000 to $30,000.
The boxing gloves from Rocky III, the ones that knocked out Clubber Lang, (Mr. T), should fetch $20,000. I pity the fool that pays that much for them.

The Rocky and Rambo films caught the attention of movie goers because we all like an underdog. We instinctively pull for the guy nobody thinks can win. We cheer like crazy when the supposed champion goes down for the count.

Well, what's true on the silver screen is also true in the Bible. For tonight, we have an unsuspected hero. Nobody was afraid to leave Ehud alone with Eglon. What harm could he possibly do?

This Benjamite Southpaw has more up his sleeve than a left hook. He has an 18-inch dagger. And he isn't planning to pop the king in the jaw. He plans to impale him through the bowels, emptying him of much more than his Moabite pride.

I started to title my message tonight, "When Lefty Stuck it to Fatty." But I knew some snowflake online would be offended by such a title on ...

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