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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Judges 3:1-4
This content is part of a series.

Teach Us War (6 of 42)
Series: The Coming King-Finding Jesus in Judges
Mike Stone
Judges 3:1-4

Our study of Judges is the story of Israel's rebellion and their longing for a king. They thought that a king would solve their problems. They were RIGHT and WRONG at the same time. They needed a king, but not an earthly king. They needed an eternal king.

God in Providence and mercy raises up judges to deliver the people. But as great as they are, they are fallen, flawed, and frail. The inferiority of their judges is only rivaled by the inferiority of their earthly kings. The best of them was a lying, murdering, adulterer. They needed someone better, higher, and greater.

It is in this regard that Judges calls upon us to topple the lesser judges in our own lives, to dethrone the weak, worldly, and wicked kings we have allowed to sit on a throne that belongs only to the Lord Jesus Christ.

After two introductory chapters, these 4 verses are the final introductory word before we get into the blow by blow of their rebellion.

My title tonight is borrowed from a phrase in verse 2. Last week we learned that the Lord did not drive out these Canaanite peoples as a matter of discipline. In these verses, we learn a second reason. He left these foreign people in the land not just to scourge them but to school them.

Not just to discipline them but to disciple them. These rebellious Jews needed to be trained, tested, and taught to do something. What they had to learn to do was to fight.

Now the language of warfare probably sounds strange to docile and domesticated ears of the American church. We have prematurely beat our swords into plowshares and committed ourselves to study war no more. But tonight, the Captain of the Lord of Hosts, our Heavenly Commander in Chief, takes His army to military school.

There are 2 footnotes in this short narrative to tell us that this generation knew nothing about the battles of Canaan. And the Lord leaves these Canaanite peop ...

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